Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Google is awesome. I enjoy the power at my fingertips. Apparently the power is going to expand, as the G has bought into a technology developed by a guy working on a research project at a university.

Some of my favorite Googlings:

site:* [search terms]
Lets you limit the search to only a particular website's domain. This search will only return results from Microsoft sites.

inurl:waldo [search terms]
Let's you specify a word that must be in the URL of the search results. In this case, the URL must contain "waldo".

This file on web servers tells Google what not to catalog. Sometimes you can find places on a web site that are not intended to be known to the general public. Not an exciting sample, but look at this one.

I also enjoy the Google personalized home page. I can add RSS widgets and check email. Very fun.


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