Monday, January 15, 2007

I explained to my daughter that MLK Day remembers a man who wanted something better for all people. I told her there are people who think others are lesser than them because they have skin of different color, and that MLK was really against that kind of thing. I said, "That's pretty silly, to make fun of someone for their skin color, huh?"

Katie replied, "Yeah, I have red hair. There are lots of different hair colors."

I love my little girl.


At January 16, 2007 10:53 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

She IS the best, isn't she? And you are a terrific dad.

At January 17, 2007 6:57 AM, Blogger Jules said...

I remember my mom in first grade talking to me about the one little black boy in my class. She ask me if I thought he was different. I said no, but she asked what I thought of his skin being so dark. I said it's just like me having brown eyes or someone's hair being different than mine. Kids can really see truth, it's as adults we muddle it up.


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