Sunday, January 14, 2007

I've played many a game in my time.* Every so often, I come across some gems that are worth mentioning to other people. The fact that this one is free adds to the appeal.

If anyone is a fan of racing, stunts, or cars, then Trackmania: Nations is worth a download. You run multiple tracks varying in three levels of difficulty, totaling around 90. As you run each track, there are medals you can win based on your time for the track. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and a special award for beating the best time of the people who made the game.

As you progress, each track becomes a puzzle in itself. You have to jump, flip, squeeze, slide, and speed your way over ramps of all shapes and sizes. After each race, you can repeat the track and race against a ghost car that performs your best previous attempt. There is online play, but I don't recommend unattended children to play there, as you never know what people will type in chat. The rest of the game is highly family-friendly. This is a 270mb download, and provides great free fun for me and my son. There are no trashy women or crude content worries in the offline play, and you can customize your own tracks to expand the content. There are even other player-made tracks online that you can download.

Free family fun. I like it.


* I was, after all, born with a Nintendo controller in my hand.


At January 16, 2007 10:56 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

I am just waiting for the day we give Caleb the keys to the car. Based on what he's experienced in his life so far, he'll immediately spin out in the parking lot before launching the car off of an unfinished truck ramp.

*You* are teaching him how to drive. That's non-negotiable.


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