Saturday, January 13, 2007

I am not one for piracy, but I have to hand it to the scurvy dogs at The Pirate Bay, a Sweden-based bittorrent rig known for its piratey warez, as they have rattled their sabers at all who have obstructed their progress over the years. In order to avoid international pressure to stop their habits, they have elected to buy their own nation. They located an old WWII gun platform that is a few miles off the UK coast, unofficially recognized as its own principality. By moving their business to this locale (and establishing principality), international copyright law would have zero jurisdiction over their operations. Even if they are unsuccessful, Pirate Bay has made their point. Not everyone agrees with their free-Willy internet philosophies. If you do agree, you can donate and become a Sealand citizen with a zippy bittorrent account. Not a pirate's life for me!


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