Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I've been thinking a lot about communication lately. I have friends who are working on marriages, other relationships. I'm in a church that is learning all over again how to communicate and relate. I work in Information Technology, which is pretty much a language all its own. Sometimes communication feels like you're in another country, trying to get a message across to people who don't speak your lingo. Other times you feel like your country is being invaded, and you can't seem to impart important information before disaster happens. Or maybe they just laugh at the feeble attempt. Case in point: Engrish.com

If you go to their site, take it with a grain of salt, but here are some classic attempts at universal communication on signboards in other countries:

A little off the top?

Do they mean a V8?

Nothing to see here, carry on...

On certain days, this would be tempting.

There's just one, but he's mean!

Thanks for the tip.

I'm not sure my trash is special enough for this location.

This may be an international sign, but it certainly isn't politically correct.

Well, I'm consoled by the fact that even the professionals get it wrong. I'll stick to my bad english and let the pros entertain me.


At November 08, 2006 12:19 AM, Blogger Katrina said...

They need a section on that website for the special way in which toddlers mangle the English language.

At November 08, 2006 7:25 AM, Blogger Jules said...

Yes-remember Jackson's "Harry Prispus" = Merry Christmas. :)


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