Sunday, November 12, 2006

I'm on the lookout for the perfect personal life device. Something I can gently pat and say "My Precious". Something that I can write directly on, move things to and from computers without interference, blah blah blah. So far, my search hasn't proven successful. The sad part is that the device I desire isn't likely to be something that droves of people would line up to purchase. Low demand, low supply. There are a few candidates out there, like the OQO, but first generation technology generally needs to be skipped over until the kinks are worked out. I rather hate feeling like a tester when holding a "final" product.

As I'm decluttering my life, I've been using a Dell Axim x50v, but I want the power of a full Windows OS in the palm of my hand. PDAs are handy, but I feel like a big man in a very small suit; they just are too cumbersome to seamlessly interact with computers. Sony's always dropping new products out there, and the ultra-portable PC is on the way. My blood is boiling for the holy grail of devices, but I'm sure they'll cost an arm and a leg (and a kidney).

Paper clutter, be GONE!!!


At November 13, 2006 7:21 AM, Blogger Jules said...

Matt & I were JUST talking about this! How uncanny! Well, good luck decluttering your life...I think you & your brother are born paper collectors though.;)

At November 13, 2006 12:58 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

Hang in there--I see the capstone of handheld technology shimmering like a beacon on the horizon, just out of reach.

Of course, as in all things tech, buyer beware: obsolescence is built in.


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