Friday, November 24, 2006

Today is Black Friday. This is the day when America shows exactly how crazy it is. I enjoy shopping, but I do not enjoy being physically relocated by a WalMart customer just so they can get to a copy of Weekend at Bernie's on DVD. The picture seen here is from actual footage of customers waiting for Target to open*.

I am always torn on this day. I spend an hour looking online and through local ads for things I really don't need and probably shouldn't have, finally arriving at the crucial decision of whether or not to venture out. This year, sleep and lack of extra funds has triumphed over my desire to go hit the early morning sales. My tastes for purchases tends to be for more expensive electronics (can one really have too many 200gb hard drives?), so we'll spend some money on gifts and a couple items that we really do need.

I'll pretend that the world out there today is saying "Please" and "Thank You" at the DVD stacks, and that the gentleman blocking the way to Target's front door will kindly move out of the way so the droves with the purchasing power can move in.

* I could be wrong. I get easily confused between martial law and shopping on Black Friday.


At November 25, 2006 12:46 AM, Blogger Katrina said...

It really wasn't too bad this year. I only got one cracked rib and a broken toe. You should see the other girl! ;)

At November 27, 2006 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you came through with only minor injuries, Katrina.

Personally, I hid from Friday's nightmarish shopping issues at home. If you're in the area, please feel free to make use of our retail-proof bunker.


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