Saturday, February 03, 2007

I used to be that kid. The one that seems to always be good at video games. The one that other kids ask for cheat codes and secrets for their games. The one that wins local tournaments at the corner video store.* The one with calluses on his hands where the controller rubs against the war-hardened skin.

Time have changed. I just spent the day at a buddy's house, where we had three XBox360's running shooter games for most of the day. I am no longer that kid. I played those kids today, and they destroyed me. Granted, my reflexes are not polished by the luster of youth, yet I think the more recent generations must have come out of the womb holding an analog game controller. Me and my friends made up for our ancient gamer tendons by resorting to experience to befuddle the youngers. This worked about two times the whole day. Those were glorious moments that I will hold onto until the next time I sign on to get my behind tromped.

*Three-time champ against maybe 7 other kids.


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