Sunday, January 07, 2007

My predictions for 2007.

+ Newspapers will NOT get replaced by the internet in 2007
+ Blue-Ray DVD format will fail to beat HD-DVD. A 3rd format will appear.
+ Apple will enter into the DVR market, expanding iTunes to become a home entertainment console, complete with movie downloads.
+ Apple will release a wireless entertainment device.
+ Several major companies will have huge layoffs: AOL, IBM, Sun, Sony America, RedHat.
+ Flat-panel TVs will drop in price to the point where people who didn't need a new TV will buy one anyway. LED monitors and TVs will become a new consumer product.
+ Starbucks will offer free wireless instead of the payment model.

+ Democrats will not bring our troops home in 2007. If they are successful in anything, it will be redeploying our troops to other places.
+ China will sever itself from the world's DNS servers in an attempt to control information flows. (may have already happened)

+ I will still be a ninja.
+ I will drink more Starbucks.


At January 08, 2007 2:56 PM, Blogger Regina said...

Ha, Ha! Love your last personal prediction. Unless I have any say in the matter, Ryan will be right there with you!


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