My kids have been wishing it was Halloween for about four months. We don't really do a whole lot for the holiday, but the kids love to dress up and get candy (crud, even I like to dress up and get candy). Caleb went so far as to draw a scary face on paper and place it in the window so that "everyone will know it's Halloween" three weeks in advance, as if that'd usher in the right to wear costumes earlier this year.
Their most tenacious effort was actually burning through reams of paper drawing design ideas for the pumpkin. So when the night of the carving took place, we gutted the pumpkin (much to Caleb's dislike, which is apparent in his face and the fact that he almost gagged), picked a design from their portfolio (a combination of Katie's full drawing and Caleb's monster teeth), and Katrina & I went to work scraping & detailing the pumpkin.
The kids seemed to approve of the final result, a compilation worked on by all of us: