Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Work bought me a laptop. I'd been using a desktop with Windows Vista on it, forcing myself to put the new OS through the ringer for a while. When the new computer arrived, however, I couldn't bring myself to wipe out the Windows XP Pro that came on it. Vista has been a labor of love, complete with incompatibilities, crashes, bugs, quirks, slowdowns, and frustrations.
I'm still going to use Vista at home, as we use the media center features for playing back music, video, and pictures to our TV. I'm tempted every day, though, to run screaming back to XP, as just about everything I do in Vista reminds me that it just isn't all it is touted to be. Sure, there are times where it shines, but those times are far outweighed by the annoyances.
People say to be patient, that Vista will come into its own once it gets patched. That's a distant promise that can't prove it will meet my needs. I've got work and play I'd like to enjoy now, while I'm young. The time to use Vista is NOT now, and I don't know when that will be. I'm stuck with it at home for the unforeseeable future, so I guess I can chalk this time up to experience.

Not to be a total negative, the laptop is a blast to use. With a software-based phone on it, I can pretty much be anywhere at work in my "virtual office". This is good, as I can only take so much artificial lighting before I start feeling like someone out of Joe vs the Volcano. The saddest part of the laptop was Sunday, when the hard drive decided to just die. Some days, it is just hard to love computers. :/


At August 09, 2007 10:13 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

Will you sign your name to that last line? Otherwise, it's hard for me to believe it came from you.


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